Friday, July 30, 2010

RT - Levels of Commitment

Levels of Commitment. Where are you?

These levels of commitment are something to pay attention to in regards to any part of life…relationships, personal health & wellness, business, work, attitude, beliefs, and on and on.

5 Levels of Commitment:

1. I don’t want to commit. (I don’t want to be here and you can’t help me)
2. I want the result/outcome, but I don’t want to put in any effort.
3. I’ll try. I might. I could.

4. I’ll do my best.
5. I do whatever whatever it takes.

When you set goals for yourself, it’s always important to check with yourself the level of commitment you are willing to put in. Goals setting fails when we lost commitment. Therefore, every now and then, it’s good for you to check on yourself which stage of commitment you are in. This may be the reason why you are not producing the result you want in life. By being in level 5 of commitment, you are at your best mental state. In fact, you have won half of the battle!

Is what I am doing getting me what I want or likely to get me where I want to be? If “No,” remember, we all have choices on what thoughts and actions we take. If what I’m doing isn’t working, I need to get busy doing something else.