Thursday, March 18, 2010

RT - wellness bracketology

The inspiration for this intervention is from the book "The Final Four of Everything."

The process - 1. discuss concepts of wellness, the dimensions, interconnectedness, definitions... 2. brainstorm for lists of activities in categories of physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellness. 3. from each list pick by consensus the top eight. 4. place those top 8 in each section of a 32 team tournament bracket. 5. decide by consensus and discussion which wellness activity is "better", until a winner is identified.

The process allows for brainstorming, discussion of concepts of wellness, opportunity to discuss specific enriching activities, and often fun and poignant.

The last time I did this intervention with a group here was our final four: physical wellness = sleep, social wellness = companionship, emotional wellness = laughter, spiritual wellness = support groups. The finals were companionship vs. laughter...the "commissioner" called it a tie.